Mauser K98k Go Back to Infantry Rifle Weapon: Mauser K98kType: Infantry RifleCountry of Origin: GermanyYear Adopted: 1935Caliber: 7.92x57mmAction: Bolt-ActionOverall Length (mm): 1110.0Weight (kg): 3.00Effective Range (m): 500The Mauser K98k was developed in 1935 as the standard service rifle for the German Wehrmacht. It was a shortened and modernized version of the earlier Gewehr 98 and chambered in the 7.92x57mm Mauser round. The K98k featured a five-round internal magazine and was noted for its accuracy and reliability. The K98k became the primary rifle of the German Army during World War II and was used on all fronts. It was known for its effectiveness at long ranges, and many variants were produced for specialized roles, including sniper rifles. Despite its bolt-action mechanism, which was slower than semi-automatic rifles, the K98k remained favored due to its precision and rugged design. The K98k's influence on bolt-action rifle design cannot be overstated, as its action became the basis for many rifles used by other nations. It remains one of the most iconic rifles of the 20th century and continues to be used in ceremonial roles today.Related Weapons: Mauser M1871/84 M48 Mauser Mauser Gew. 98 K. Kale M1938 Mauser Hanyang 88 M1889 Belgian Mauser M1891 Argentine Mauser M1909 Argentine Mauser Vz24 Mauser M1893 Spanish Mauser M96 Swedish Mauser M24 Yugo Mauser M24/47 Yugo Mauser FN24 Mauser Mauser Kar71 Karabiner 88 Karabiner 88/90 Type 24 Chiang Kai-shek rifle Mukden Arsenal Mauser M1841 Dreyse Needle-Gun Type 46 Siamese Mauser Steyr M1912 Mauser Chilean M1895 Mauser M1891 Argentine Engineer Carbine Tankgewehr 1918 GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found