PTRD-41Go Back to Anti-Tank Weapon Go Back To Weapons Home Weapon: PTRD-41Type: Anti-Tank WeaponCountry of Origin: USSRYear Adopted: 1941Caliber: 14.5x114 mm Action: Bolt-ActionOverall Length (mm): 2020.0Weight (kg): 17.30Effective Range (m): 300 The PTRD-41 (ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova 1941) was a Soviet single-shot, bolt-action anti-tank rifle developed by Vasily Degtyaryov during World War II. Chambered for the powerful 14.5x114mm cartridge, the rifle was designed as a cost-effective means to combat early German tanks and armored vehicles. It utilized a simple yet robust construction, featuring a long barrel with a muzzle brake to reduce recoil. The bolt locked into place upon firing and was manually cycled after each shot, making it slower than semi-automatic anti-tank weapons but still effective against lightly armored targets. Production of the PTRD-41 began in late 1941 following the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Due to its simple design, it was mass-produced quickly and in large numbers, with over 500,000 units manufactured during the war. Soviet infantry and anti-tank teams used the PTRD-41 extensively, targeting weak spots on German tanks such as the sides, rear, and vision slits. While it struggled against heavily armored vehicles like the Panther and Tiger tanks, it remained effective against half-tracks, armored cars, and even low-flying aircraft. The PTRD-41 gained notoriety as one of the most widely used anti-tank rifles of World War II, demonstrating the Soviet reliance on mass-production and simple yet effective weaponry. Although largely obsolete by the war's end due to advancements in tank armor, some PTRD-41s remained in use with communist forces during the Korean War and other Cold War-era conflicts. Today, the rifle is recognized as an important piece of Soviet military history, with surviving examples displayed in museums and private collections worldwide. Related Weapons: ZU-23 Autocannon 37 mm trench gun M1915 B-10 recoilless rifle 76 mm divisional gun M1902 PTRS-41 SPG-9 GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit