37 mm trench gun M1915Go Back to Infantry Support Gun Go Back To Weapons Home Weapon: 37 mm trench gun M1915Type: Infantry Support GunCountry of Origin: RussiaYear Adopted: 1915Caliber: 37x94mmRAction: Breech-Loading CannonOverall Length (mm): 1100.0Weight (kg): 400.00Effective Range (m): 1200 The Russian 37mm Trench Gun M1915 was designed to address the challenges of trench warfare during World War I. Compact and portable, the gun was specifically tailored for engaging enemy fortifications, machine gun nests, and lightly armored targets at close range. Its small caliber and simple breech-loading mechanism allowed for quick deployment and easy operation by infantry units in the field. Produced in limited numbers starting in 1915, the trench gun was manufactured by Russian ordnance facilities. While exact production figures remain unclear, the weapon's availability was constrained by the broader challenges of the Russian war effort, including logistical and material shortages. Despite these limitations, the gun saw service on the Eastern Front, where its light weight and maneuverability proved advantageous in the dynamic and challenging environment of trench warfare. The M1915 trench gun earned a mixed reputation among Russian troops due to its utility in niche scenarios but limited versatility in broader combat roles. Its small caliber restricted its effectiveness against more robust fortifications and heavily armored targets, while its ammunition supply was not always consistent. However, it laid the groundwork for future developments in infantry support weapons, influencing later designs and demonstrating the value of mobile, small-caliber artillery in close-quarters combat. Related Weapons: ZU-23 Autocannon B-10 recoilless rifle PTRD-41 76 mm divisional gun M1902 PTRS-41 SPG-9 GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit