Ordnance QF 25-pounderGo Back to Howitzer Go Back To Weapons Home Weapon: Ordnance QF 25-pounderType: HowitzerCountry of Origin: United KingdomYear Adopted: 1938Caliber: 88x292mmRAction: Breech-Loading CannonOverall Length (mm): 4600.0Weight (kg): 1633.00Effective Range (m): 12253 The Ordnance QF 25-pounder was the primary field artillery piece used by British and Commonwealth forces during World War II and beyond. Designed in the 1930s to replace the aging QF 18-pounder, it combined the roles of a field gun and a howitzer, allowing for both direct and indirect fire. With a 87.6mm caliber and a maximum range of approximately 12,250 meters (13,400 yards) when using supercharged ammunition, the 25-pounder offered a balance of firepower, mobility, and versatility. It featured a unique split-trail carriage with a circular firing platform, enabling quick 360-degree rotation for rapid targeting. Production of the 25-pounder began in 1937, and by the end of World War II, over 13,000 units had been manufactured. It was deployed extensively in every major theater of the war, from the deserts of North Africa to the jungles of Burma and the battlefields of Europe. The gun was highly regarded for its accuracy, high rate of fire, and reliability under harsh conditions. Even after World War II, the 25-pounder continued to serve in the Korean War and various colonial conflicts, remaining in use by some countries into the late 20th century. The Ordnance QF 25-pounder gained legendary status as one of the most effective artillery pieces of its era. Its adaptability made it an invaluable asset to British and Commonwealth forces, and its firepower played a crucial role in countless battles. Today, the 25-pounder is preserved in military museums and is still used for ceremonial purposes, including artillery salutes. Its lasting impact on field artillery design ensures its place as one of the most iconic guns in modern military history. Related Weapons: Congreve rocket 1.59-inch breech-loading Vickers Q.F. gun, Mk II QF 18-pounder gun Ordnance QF 25-pounder Short BL 12-pounder 6 cwt gun QF 12-pounder 8 cwt gun Boys anti-tank rifle GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit