QF 18-pounder gunGo Back to Heavy Cannon Go Back To Weapons Home Weapon: QF 18-pounder gunType: Heavy CannonCountry of Origin: United KingdomYear Adopted: 1904Caliber: 84mmAction: Breech-Loading CannonOverall Length (mm): 2743.0Weight (kg): 1282.00Effective Range (m): 6525 The QF 18-pounder gun was a field artillery piece used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces during World War I and into World War II. Introduced in 1904, it was designed as a quick-firing (QF) weapon with a caliber of 84mm, capable of firing high-explosive and shrapnel shells at a range of up to 6,525 meters (7,135 yards). The gun featured a hydro-pneumatic recoil system, which allowed for rapid and accurate fire without the need to reposition after each shot. Its robust and reliable design made it one of the most effective field guns of its time. Over 10,000 QF 18-pounder guns were produced during World War I, making it the backbone of British field artillery. The gun was mounted on a box-trail carriage and later adapted to accommodate new ammunition and fire control improvements. It saw widespread use on the Western Front, where its ability to deliver a high rate of fire played a crucial role in supporting infantry advances and countering enemy artillery. After the war, many 18-pounders were upgraded to 25-pounder specifications, extending their service life into World War II. The QF 18-pounder gained a reputation for its reliability and effectiveness, solidifying its place in military history. It was used in numerous battles, from the Somme to Passchendaele, where its ability to lay down a devastating barrage was instrumental in breaking enemy defenses. Though eventually replaced by more advanced artillery systems, the 18-pounder remains one of the most iconic field guns of the early 20th century and is still displayed in museums and memorials across the world as a testament to its significance in modern warfare. Related Weapons: Congreve rocket 1.59-inch breech-loading Vickers Q.F. gun, Mk II Ordnance QF 25-pounder Ordnance QF 25-pounder Short BL 12-pounder 6 cwt gun QF 12-pounder 8 cwt gun Boys anti-tank rifle GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit