1796 Light Cavalry Saber Go Back to Cavalry Saber Weapon: 1796 Light Cavalry SaberType: Cavalry SaberCountry of Origin: United KingdomYear Adopted: 1796Overall Length (mm): 830.0Weight (kg): 0.96The 1796 Light Cavalry Saber was developed for the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars. Designed by John Gaspard Le Marchant, it featured a curved blade optimized for slashing attacks, which was considered more effective for cavalry charges than thrusting swords. The saber was widely used by British light cavalry units, including hussars and dragoons, and it gained a fearsome reputation during battles such as Waterloo. Its design influenced many later military sabers and it remained in service long after the Napoleonic Wars. The 1796 Light Cavalry Saber is remembered for its role in British military history, particularly in the iconic cavalry charges of the Napoleonic Wars. It is often regarded as one of the finest cavalry swords of its era and is highly prized by collectors. No Related WeaponsGalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found