Kommando LDP Go Back to Submachine Gun Weapon: Kommando LDPType: Submachine GunCountry of Origin: RhodesiaYear Adopted: 1980Caliber: 9mm LugerAction: Blow Back Semi-AutomaticOverall Length (mm): 600.0Weight (kg): 2.00Effective Range (m): 100The Kommando LDP is a 9mm submachine gun developed in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in the 1970s during the Rhodesian Bush War. It was designed as a cheap and simple weapon that could be mass-produced under the constraints of international arms embargoes. The LDP (Lacoste DuPlessis Ponter, named for the designer and original producing firm) was based on the Czech SA23 and was primarily constructed from stamped steel to reduce costs. It gained a mixed reputation, being both praised for its ease of production and criticized for its reliability issues, especially with feeding and jamming. Although not produced in large numbers compared to other submachine guns, it became infamous due to its use in a brutal conflict. Its notoriety was cemented by the fact that it was often associated with irregular forces and guerrilla units in the region.Related Weapons: Sanna 77 FMK-3 Submachine Gun GalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found