M1903 Mannlicher-Schonauer Go Back to Infantry Rifle Weapon: M1903 Mannlicher-SchonauerType: Infantry RifleCountry of Origin: GreeceYear Adopted: 1903Caliber: 6.5x54mm Mannlicher-SchonauerAction: Bolt-ActionOverall Length (mm): 1100.0Weight (kg): 3.00Effective Range (m): 500The M1903 Mannlicher-Schonauer is an Austrian bolt-action rifle designed by Ferdinand Ritter von Mannlicher and introduced in 1903. It is renowned for its unique rotary magazine, which allowed for smoother feeding and was an innovative feature at the time. Chambered in 6.5x54mm Mannlicher-Schonauer, the rifle was adopted by the Greek military and became known for its reliability and accuracy. It saw extensive use by Greek forces during the Balkan Wars, World War I, and World War II. Around 120,000 rifles were produced for the Greek army, with many more sold on the civilian market, where it gained popularity among hunters due to its smooth action and lightweight design. The M1903 Mannlicher-Schonauer is often regarded as one of the finest hunting rifles ever made, and its rotary magazine system influenced later firearm designs.No Related WeaponsGalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found