C96 Mauser Go Back to Semi-Automatic Pistol Weapon: C96 MauserType: Semi-Automatic PistolCountry of Origin: GermanyYear Adopted: 1896Caliber: 7.63 MauserAction: Short RecoilOverall Length (mm): 312.0Weight (kg): 1.25Effective Range (m): 150The C96 Mauser is a semi-automatic pistol developed by the German arms manufacturer Mauser in the late 19th century. Chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser, the C96 featured a distinctive box magazine in front of the trigger and was often fitted with a wooden shoulder stock that doubled as a holster. Its unique design earned it the nickname "Broomhandle Mauser." The C96 saw use by various military forces and was popular with officers and elite troops during World War I. It was also widely exported and saw action in the Chinese Civil War, the Spanish Civil War, and even World War II. Its high velocity and accuracy made it a favorite for long-range pistol shooting. Though the C96 was eventually replaced by more modern pistols, its innovative design and widespread use made it one of the most influential handguns of the early 20th century. It remains highly collectible, particularly for its role in numerous conflicts worldwide.Related Weapons: Mauser M1914 Pistol Mauser M1910 Pistol Mauser M712 Machine Pistol GalleryRelevant Articles: Weapons of Imperial Germany Part 2Videos: Empire of Innovation - Imperial German Weapons Part 2: Handguns and Machine Guns