Weapons of IsraelGo Back to Countries Go Back To Weapons Home Anti-Aircraft DefensesTCM-20 AA GunAn Israeli twin 20mm anti-aircraft gun system, mounted on various vehicles and platforms for short-range air defense against low-flying aircraft.Anti-Tank WeaponSpike NLOSThe Spike Non-Line-of-Sight is an Israeli precision-guided missile with a range of up to 25 kilometers. It features advanced targeting capabilities, including real-time video feed and man-in-the-loop guidance. Its versatility makes it suitable for a variety of targets, including armored vehicles and fortified positions.HowitzerM-68 155mm HowitzerAn Israeli towed howitzer used for field artillery. It provided reliable and effective fire support with the capability of firing a variety of 155mm ammunition types.MortarSoltam K6 120mm MortarA modern Israeli 120mm mortar system used for indirect fire support. Known for its versatility, it has been widely adopted by various military forces.Assault PistolUzi PistolA compact version of the Uzi submachine gun, designed for use as a semi-automatic pistol. It retains the iconic Uzi design and is chambered in 9mm, used for personal defense and by law enforcement.Submachine GunUziA compact Israeli submachine gun designed by Uziel Gal in the 1950s. It became one of the most widely used submachine guns in the world, known for its simplicity, reliability, and ease of use.Mini UziA compact version of the Israeli Uzi submachine gun, chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum. It is popular for close-quarters combat due to its compact size and rapid rate of fire.Micro UziThe Micro Uzi is a compact version of the Uzi submachine gun, designed for close-quarters combat and concealed carry. Chambered in 9x19mm, it is favored by special forces and personal protection teams.Light Machine GunDror Light Machine GunThe Dror is an Israeli light machine gun based on the American Johnson M1941, modified for use with locally available ammunition. It saw limited service in the early years of the Israeli Defense Forces before being replaced by more reliable designs.Negev NG-5 Light Machine GunThe Negev NG-5 is an Israeli 5.56x45mm light machine gun designed for versatility, reliability, and adaptability in diverse combat scenarios. It has been adopted by the Israeli Defense Forces and other military and law enforcement agencies.Assault RifleGalil ARMAn Israeli assault rifle that was based on the Finnish Valmet RK 62, which in turn was based on the Soviet AK-47. The Galil ARM is known for its reliability in harsh environments and was used by the Israeli Defense Forces.TavorAn Israeli bullpup assault rifle designed for reliability and use in urban combat. Chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, the Tavor (such as the TAR-21) is known for its compact size and has been adopted by the Israeli Defense Forces and other countries.Galil SARA compact version of the Israeli Galil rifle, chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. Known for its ruggedness and reliability, it was designed for special forces and close-quarters combat.CarbineMicro GalilA compact version of the Israeli Galil assault rifle, chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. Designed for special operations and close-quarters combat, it combines portability with effective firepower.Micro TavorA compact, close-quarters version of the Tavor assault rifle used by Israeli forces. It's highly maneuverable and chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, ideal for urban warfare. Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit